Den internationalt anerkendte tenniscoach og foredragsholder Mike Barrel afholder et to-dages seminar i Hørsholm-Rungsted Tennisklub 15.-16. marts.
Seminaret henvender sig til dig, tennistræneren, der ønsker at blive inspireret og videreuddannet i undervisning for børn under 10 år. Mike Barrel arbejder tæt sammen med mange af verdens førende tennisforbund og gennemfører trænerworkshops i hele verden.
Seminaret er blevet til i et samarbejde mellem Hørsholm-Rungsted Tennisklub, Evolve9, DGI og er støttet af Dansk Tennis Forbund.
Her er en kort beskrivelse af seminaret fra Mike Barrel:
“Come and join us for a fun and informative professional development workshop. In the 10 and Under space, coaches are often in search of guidelines on what to teach and when. This workshop combines development understanding of young players with the Red, Orange and Green ball environments to create a clear pathway for player development.”
“When you leave this workshop you will understand clearly the principles of what to teach and when, starting with tactical and underpinning this with both technical and athletic skill development. We will help you to create principles and systems that you can use at your facility to create a common language for your team.
The workshop is also built on the principles of gamification, the formula used to design computer games, so it has a fresh and up to date approach to how children learn and how to frame information so that kids are motivated to be challenged.”
Nærmere program følger i starten af februar og kan så findes her.
Pris: 1.200 kr. (inkl. seminar, 2x frokost buffet, kaffe, kage og frugt).